Enjoy a free Zumba demo, local musicians, breath the ocean air; savour the stunning view at a festival with a unique Campbell River flair.
From the smallest to the largest, get close and personal with our ocean brothers and sisters. Many of the booths relate to how people live and make a living on our marine waters. Listen to whale songs, meet the creatures from the ocean floor in the live “touch tanks”, see how much life is exists in the “empty” ocean. Learn about the protozoa and salmon connection from Centre for Aquatic Health Sciences and Quinsam Fish Hatchery; visit the BC Salmon Farmers Booth for information and tasty barbecued salmon samples. Last chance to tour the celebrated Point Race Coast Guard vessel, climb aboard a whale watching Zodiac and the Fisheries and Oceans patrol boat, get information on kayaking.
Family activities include making fish-prints, Bounce-a-rama, face painting, aiming at the dunk tank, free fishing at the Discovery Pier and free admission to the Maritime Heritage Center; Also the free shuttle bus to the Campbell River Museum, food concessions at the Maritime Heritage Centre and Discovery Pier, plus tasty barbecued salmon samples.
Bring your own drinking water bottle and fill up on prize winning City of Campbell River drinking water while learning how to conserve and protect it!
Buy raffle tickets ($2.00 each) for a chance to win one of two whale watching trips and other prizes. To volunteer for this event, call the Campbell River Volunteer Centre – 287-8111. For more info call 250-202-3266 or e-mail lu_rich52@hotmail.com.