Estuary Lagoon
The Courtenay River (K’όmoks) Estuary is where the “river meets the sea” and “a gathering place” for many species according to residents who participated in a 2011 Project Watershed survey. Appreciation for diversity nurtured by mingling of fresh and salt water seems to be increasing. Although not many understand the biological dynamics, most want the Estuary to remain a sustainable environment. Aquatic plants, migrating birds, fish runs, animals, and the smaller creatures we cannot see all contribute to the pleasures of living here.
Last summer, 11 Project Watershed volunteers knocked on the doors of 187 Estuary residents. The objective was to interview people who live and work in this area. Boundaries of the study extended from Condensory Bridge to Goose Spit, and on the watersides of Comox Road and Cliffe Avenue. Participants were asked for their opinions about the watershed and how they’d define “estuary, “Our survey captured a representative sample of Valley opinions”, says Dr. Betty Donaldson, project director. A full report of the study is available here.
Results will be shared informally at two coffee meetings led by Betty Donaldson, Project Watershed vice-chair, and Kathie Woodley, Education Committee member. Participants and the general public are invited to: Monte Christo, Monday May 7, 3 – 5 pm and Black Fin, May 9, 10-12 am. Project Watershed will provide coffee, tea or juice; attendees pay for their own snacks. No registration necessary, but come early to get a good seat.
A formal presentation will be made at the Project Watershed AGM, May 22, 7 pm, Lions Den in Comox. Project Watershed would like to thank Mountain Equipment Coop for their help in funding the publication and dissemination of the Survey.

For further information, please contact projectwatershed@gmail.com