Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

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December 4
4:00 – 6:00 pm
Mansfield Drive
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Christmas is a time of Advent-ure! The advent season begins about December 4th (4 Sundays before Christmas) and closes January 6th (King’s Day). It is a period of anticipation, a time when people light up long dark days and nights with candles, carols and festivities.  A favourite tradition in many countries is a carol walk. It’s an opportunity to sing the traditional songs of the season.
The annual Comox Valley Estuary Carol walk begins at 4:00pm on December 4th and goes til about 6:00pm.  Meet along the Riverway on Mansfield Drive behind Bayside Coffee.  Locals Restaurant (Old House) will offer a wassail cup to all carollers who arrive at their door with our group.

Project Watershed sponsors this event, organized by volunteers led by Betty Donaldson. It isn’t a fundraiser. The purpose is to celebrate the winter Advent outdoors along the unique K’omox Estuary. “… all creatures that live on the earth share a single light by which they see and a single atmosphere by which they breathe” (Marcus Aurelius, 121 – 180). For more information, contact the PW office (250 703 2871).
Remember to dress for the weather! It is also a good idea to bring a light.
The caroling book is available below for download, copies will be handed out on December 4th.
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Estuary Carol Walk Carols and Chants
