Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

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A bit of west coast weather didn’t douse the enthusiasm of the Arden Elementary Grade 2’s who participated in stewardship activities down at the Courtenay Airpark on Thursday May 11th.  Project Watershed along with assistance from Caroline Heim of Tsolum River Restoration Society, Nancy Greene, archeologist and Jarret Krentzel of Hand-in-Hand Nature Education lead the students in planting native species, a nature walk, story telling, and fish trap exploration.
As a thank you for planting a variety of native shrubs around the Airpark lagoon members of the Courtenay Airpark Association came out and gave each child a frozen treat. The Association had also donated the funds to purchase the plants. The Peninsula Coop and the Comox Valley Community Foundation also provided funding to support this project.
“The event was well coordinated, the volunteers knowledgeable and enthusiastic, and the hands on aspect so important for students. Jarrett was fantastic too as he involved the students on many levels with the reading of the story which was a great fit with the day. It was great that the day had a theme: Keep it Living at the Air Park.” Susan Bannister, Arden Grade 2 Teacher.
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To view more photos check out Unique Roots Photography’s album Arden Keeping it Living at the Airpark.
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If you, or someone you know, identify as a senior and would like to help Project Watershed bring environmental education to elementary students in the Comox Valley, please email or fill out our volunteer form.
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