Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

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Project Watershed is working with seniors and School District 71 to compile and create materials, field trips, presentations and other activities to compliment the new BC Curriculum on the topics of water, watersheds and Historical First Nations Resource Use.

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Our first step is to compile items that already exist in the Comox Valley. If your organisation has already created any such materials, presentations, field trips, handouts, activities etc… on the topics of water, watersheds or Historical First Nation Resource Use please contact us at
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We are also looking to build a database of volunteers who identify as seniors to:
  • help us create education materials as well as
  • present to a class, lead field trips, and assist with stewardship activities.
Please also contact us at at if you are interested in volunteering in any of these capacities.

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This initiative aims to engage seniors in environmental education for elementary students. “We see this project as a way to pass on a culture of stewardship from one generation to the next; keeping the information, and our local environment, living.” stated Paul Horgen, Senior and Chair of Project Watershed. The Comox Valley Project Watershed Society’s Seniors Keeping it Living with Students in the Comox Valley project is being funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program.  Additional funding is being provided by the Comox Valley Community Foundation, the Peninsula Coop and Mountain Equipment Coop. The materials will be made available to teachers and other educators for the 2017/2018 school year.
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