Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

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  • Looking for a way to contribute to one of the most ambitious environmental projects in the Comox Valley?
  • Have a few spare hours here and there to connect with your community and give back to the environment?
  • Like food and beverages?

Come to one of our volunteer meetings to find out how you can get involved with the Kus-kus-sum project, get the inside scoop on fundraising and share some food and drink.
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While these meetings are over we got such a great response we are looking at holding them in the future so stay tuned!
Meeting Dates and Times: 
February 15th : 9:30am – 11:30 am, Best Western, 1590 Cliffe. Coffee, tea, juice, muffins, fruit provided.
February 19th : 6pm-7:30pm, Best Western, 1590 Cliffe. Coffee, tea, soup and sandwiches provided.
We will present the volunteer opportunities coming up over the next 9 months and help find where your talents, time and energy fit best. We will answer questions and have a volunteer information kit with information on Field Sawmill, other projects and our organisation. We hope to create a volunteer roster and action plan to help us reach our next goal of $100,000 to purchase and restore the old Field Sawmill site in a strategic and organised manner. We are also open to feedback and discussion of future fundraising ideas. Please RSVP using the form below as soon as possible so we can schedule food and a meeting place. If you have troubles with the form please RSVP to
Volunteers are integral to the work we do at Project Watershed – we need your support and appreciate any time you have available.
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Sign up as a volunteer if you haven’t done so already!