Working on the unceded territory of the K’ómoks First Nation .

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

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Project Watershed would like to thank Doug Hillan for his ongoing support for our Kus-kus-sum project. Friends, family and colleagues of Courtenay Councillor Doug Hillian recently gathered to celebrate his retirement after 40 years of service in the provincial justice and child welfare systems. Hillian used the occasion to raise funds in support of Project Watershed’s Kus-kus-sum project, the acquisition and restoration of the Field Sawmill Site in the K’omoks Estuary. Hillian is pictured presenting a cheque for $1000 raised at the event to Project Watershed board members Don Castleden and Bill Heidrick. Before his official retirement party Doug received very generous retirement gift donations from his wife, Shelagh Wallace, and from the Ministry of Children and Family Development Provincial Practice Branch leadership team bringing the total to $3400 for the Kus-kus-sum project. 
If you have a special occasion coming up and would like to use it to raise funds for Kus-kus-sum contact Project Watershed 250.703.2871 or  We can provide you with pamphlets and even make an appearance at the event. Remember any funds you raise will be matched by our Estuary Angel – automatically doubling your contribution!
Click here for more information about the Kus-kus-sum restoration project.
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