Working on the unceded territory of the K’ómoks First Nation .

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

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Lift is throwing a Festive Cheer Party and all proceeds will be put towards unpaving a parking lot at Kus-kus-sum!
Location: Prime Chophouse, 1089 Braidwood Rd, Courtenay
Date/Time: Nov 23rd, 6-10pm
Tickets: $75
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Lift is an award-winning network based in the Comox Valley that’s connecting and promoting entrepreneurs on Vancouver Island. Festive Cheer is an annual party and fundraiser hosted by LIFT Startups. In 2016 & 2017, Festive Cheer raised awareness and funds for Everyone Deserves A Smile (EDAS). This year, the fundraising and promotional efforts are focused on Kus-kus-sum – Fields Sawmill Restoration Project.
Festive Cheer will be taking place at Prime Chophouse in Courtenay. Tickets for Festive Cheer are available at and prices are $75 for non-Lift members, $35.00 for LIFT members, and $500 to become a Festive Cheer Special Event Sponsor. Benefits of being a Festive Cheer Sponsor include exposure and promotion to other organizations and the entrepreneur community, ten Festive Cheer tickets, and the option to give a one minute presentation at the event, as well as association with an important charitable organization (Project Watershed) doing good work in the Comox Valley and on the Island.