Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

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[av_heading heading=’A recent $25,000 donation from the Ngan Page Family Fund means we are one large step closer to meeting our $500,000 community fundraising goal for Kus Kus Sum!’ tag=’h3′ style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=” admin_preview_bg=”][/av_heading]
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The Ngan Page Family Fund’s $25,000 donation to Kus Kus Sum is a significant contribution that will help purchase and restore the old Field Saw Mill property and unpave paradise.
Jon Page, a globally renowned cannabis scientist and G.P Vanier graduate, and his wife Goya Ngan, a photographer and landscape architect, are based in Vancouver and have strong connections to the Comox Valley. Both Jon and Goya grew up in the Comox Valley – Goya on Hornby Island and Jon near Merville – and both know the importance of the Courtenay River Estuary and Comox Bay for salmon and other wildlife. They recall the days when the Field Sawmill was operating and active, and have driven by the derelict site many times in recent years. “We saw the signs announcing the Kus Kus Sum project, and got interested in the positive change that is happening there,” they say.
In his current role as the Chief Science Officer at Aurora Cannabis, Jon oversees multiple labs around the world, including a specialized research facility under construction in Comox. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia. His passion for botany and medicinal plants led him on a path that includes a childhood exploring wild places in the Comox Valley, a PhD in botany at UBC, post-doctoral research in Germany and co-leading the Canadian team that first sequenced the cannabis genome. Before joining Aurora, Jon co-founded Anandia Laboratories, a cannabis science company based in Vancouver. Goya’s work as a landscape architect has also taken her across the globe, and as a photographer, she looks forward to observing the estuary fauna that the Kus Kus Sum project will attract.
When asked why they chose to donate to Kus Kus Sum, Jon and Goya replied: “Our family has been lucky enough to achieve business success that allows us to help fund environmental and social causes, including this important project. We’re happy to help in rebuilding a beautiful piece of nature.”
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