Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.


A Charitable Bequest is simply a distribution from your estate to the Comox Valley Project Watershed Society through your last will and testament. To do this, you must use very specific language to indicate the precise direction of your assets and to successfully carry out your final wishes. There are various types of bequests to consider.

General Bequests are legacies that come from the general value of your estate and are made by designating a specific dollar amount, a particular asset or a fixed percentage of your estate to the Comox Valley Project Watershed Society.

Specific Bequests are made when a particular item or property is bequeathed for a designated purpose. (i.e., Blue Carbon project; Field Sawmill project, etc. general operating expenses.)

Residuary Bequests are made when you intend to leave the residue portion (any leftover property) of your assets after other terms of the will have been satisfied.

Contingency Bequests allow you to leave a portion of your estate to the Comox Valley Project Watershed Society if your named beneficiary does not survive you.

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