Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Citizen-Science Saltmarsh and Eelgrass Monitoring Program

saltmarsh and eelgrass monitoring program
The monitoring program provides volunteers and community groups with all the information, materials and support necessary to help us monitor our restoration projects.

Monitoring is a critical step in understanding the success of our restoration efforts. Stay tuned to our website for news about upcoming monitoring training opportunities.

Later this month we will be planting subtidal eelgrass at Miracle Beach. We will be looking for volunteers to help bundle and tie in the eelgrass in preparation for planting by SCUBA divers. A volunteer sign-up form will be available soon.

The Coastal Restoration Team has also been busy planning a salt marsh restoration project in the Fanny Bay area that will be happening later summer. Stay tuned for updates on this project!

If you have any questions about this project, please email

Human Resources

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