Puntledge River Reports
Click on the flashing newts to discouver the project names and project dates at each location.
Assesment of the homing behaviour of 3 and 4 year old Puntledge Summer Chinook adult returns from lake and river released juveniles
Evaluation of Natural and Hatchery Summer Chinook and Coho Production in the Upper Puntledge Watershed
Puntledge River Hatchery – Summer Chinook Rearing Consolidation Project
Assessment of Homing Behaviour of Puntledge Summer Chinook Hatchery Returns – Preparations for Adult Assessment Phase
Assessment of Coho and Chinook Smolt/Fry Migration at the Puntledge Diversion Dam Eicher Screens
Puntledge River Hatchery – Summer Chinook Rearing Consolidation Project
Puntledge River Hatchery – Summer Chinook Rearing Consolidation Project
Chinook and Coho Smolt Migration Study
Chinook Spawning Study
Summer Chinook Imprinting Assessment
Lower Puntledge Hatchery Chiller Design
Esther Guimond working on the Chinook & Coho Smolt Migration Study
Big Qualicum Hatchery Holding of Puntledge River Summer Chinook
Population Diversity in Puntledge River Coho
Puntledge Summer Chinook DNA Analysis
Puntledge River Jack Hames Side Channel Intake Replacement
Puntledge River Radio Telemetry Study on Summer Chinook Migration in the Upper Watershed
Summer Run Chinook Radio and Electromyography Telemetry Study
Radio Telemetry Study on Summer Chinook Migration in the Upper Watershed
Impoundment and Diversion Dam Fishway Assessment
Headpond Gravel Placement Post-Construction Monitoring
Stotan Falls – Improvement for Adult Summer Chinook Migration
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