Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Project Watershed reflects on Truth and Reconciliation

Reflecting and learning at Kus-kus-sum ~ C. Holbrook

Hanging orange ribbon on the fence ~ C. Holbrook

We at Project Watershed took the first National Truth & Reconciliation Day, to reflect on our role, as a stewardship organization within the landscape of the Comox Valley, the traditional and unceded territory of our partners, the K’ómoks First Nation. We used this day for a chance to contemplate how we can be better partners and allies to all Indigenous communities and Peoples in Canada.

As we work to understand our role, we would like to encourage others, to learn and unlearn, to recognize the truth of Indigenous communities throughout this country, and to contribute in whatever capacity you can towards reconciliatory action. We understand this looks different for everyone. We are all unique, like the stories of how we came to live in this place.

There are numerous resources, created by Indigenous people, with the intent to educate and inform nations, communities, and individuals about crucial issues for Indigenous communities. We’ve included a handful below, recognizing that there are endless Indigenous-created resources that can inform our growth.

Reconciliation, rather than being an endpoint, is the constant state of action and application, of recognizing past and current injustices, honouring lost children and survivors and working towards a just and equitable future. As we all know, this is not simple work, it is not easy work, but it is necessary work. We can raise up our Indigenous communities, celebrate and learn from their leadership, and support a world that lays the foundation for thriving Indigenous communities for generations to come.

We stay committed to learning and unlearning, recognizing the importance of Indigenous Nations and communities in the preservation and stewardship of our landscapes, and we continue to dedicate ourselves towards reconciliation with our work and projects. G̱ilakas’la (thank you) to all those who continue to support this work and who continue to work to understanding our role within a Truth and Reconciliation framework.

Reclaiming Power and Place

The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

Orange flags under the wooden salmon show support for reconcilation and restoration at Kus-kus-sum ~ C. Holbrook

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