Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Forage Fish Summer Summary

Aerial photo of forage fish “flashes” ~ N. Houtman

Tree Island Forage Fish Study

Team Quadra vortexing a sample ~ V. East

Our forage fish teams were well supported and very productive this summer. The teams performed 28 sampling events of potential forage fish spawning habitat between Cortes Island, Quadra Island, Hornby Island, Campbell River, and the Comox Valley.

A few new locations were added including Balmoral Beach, near Goose Spit, and Point Holmes ,between Air Force Beach and Kye Bay. Summer sampling which occurred between May and September, was supported by 40 community scientists including a variety of new volunteers and dedicated returning volunteers. Project Watershed thanks all the forage fish volunteers for their dedication to this project.

Teams sampled approximately once per month, in between heat waves, looking for beach spawning forage fish (surf smelt). Although the samples did not find any eggs in the sand this summer, data collected is still important. Gathering information regarding eDNA samples, seasonality of beach sediment, how the heat dome/heat waves may impact spawning in the future, and the lack of rain this summer are all important elements of this initiative.

Tree Island Forage Fish Study

Point Holmes beach survey in July~ J. Lund

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