Project Watershed’s 2022 50/50 Raffle
Buy Tickets
Tickets $5 each, 1000 available
Draw June 12 at the AGM
Help Project Watershed fund our restoration, research, and education projects in the Comox Valley! Our initiatives include: restoring Kus-kus-sum to natural habitat, planting salt marsh and eelgrass, studying kelp forests, researching forage fish, providing field trips and presentations to School District 71 and more.
Project Watershed is committed to Q’waq’wala7owkw (Keeping It Living) which means having a positive long term relationship with our environment. We value all our partners and supporters and work with them towards our mission to promote stewardship of Comox Valley Watersheds through education, information and action.
Through this 50/50 you can help raise funds for our work and get a change to win 50% of the jackpot.
We will post the ticket link to our website, Facebook and Twitter when it is available and send a message to all our newsletter subscribers.
The luck winner will be drawn at our AGM on June 12, 2022. To register for the AGM click here.
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