Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Celebrating Volunteers

Volunteer Planting at Kus-kus-sum ~ Graeme Robertson

Spring has been a very busy season; Project Watershed is excited to showcase all the events we orgainsed and participated in! Sixty-six amazing volunteers came out to lend a hand. Thank you to everyone for your time and energy, we could not have done so much without you!


  • First KKS planting
  • Courtenay Air Park mulching and Planting (Earth Day)
  • Earth Day booth
  • School outreach
  • Earth Day shoreline clear ups




  • School outreach and school field trips
  • Eelgrass planting
  • Forage fish citizen science field sampling event
  • Paint by Numbers fundraiser




  • Eelgrass plantings around Saratoga beach and the Kingfisher Spa
  • Forage fish citizen science field sampling events
  • AGM
  • Update for Year 2 KKS
  • Maintenance at Glen Urquhart Creek
  • Supporting the Climate Open House booth



As the warm weather arrives, we look forward to events throughout the summer. This includes forage fish citizen science events July 12, August 11, and September 9, 2022 in Campbell River and July 14, August 9, and September 10, 2022 in the Comox Valley. For more information about these events, please contact Virginia:

Please use the sign-up form if you would like to volunteer!

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Spring Field Trips

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