Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Earth Week Shoreline Cleanup

Point Holmes garbage from Shoreline Cleanup 2021 by Mic Donley

Map of Location

Date and Time

April 22 and 23


The shoreline from Comox Ferry to Royston and the Condensory Bridge Area


Let’s make the Comox Valley more beautiful by cleaning up some of its shorelines and riverways! We are looking for people to choose an area from the map and pick up any garbage they find there. We will do this as a decentralized cleanup, meaning that you and your group will pick a 1.5 to 2 km section of shoreline or riverway over which to hunt for garbage and other groups will pick other sections. A map of all the sections of beach that we hoping to cover is shown here – map.

1. Choose an area from the map and sign up as a volunteer to participate, only one person from your group needs to sign up.

 2. Then we will send you detailed instructions, a data card, a waiver and a safety checklist. Please sign the digital version of the waiver prior to performing the cleanup.

 3. Cleanup! In the morning of the day you chose, go to the beach you have registered to clean (most sections take 1 to 2 hours). Pick up and record garbage. When you are finished cleaning up the beach you can either leave the garbage bags in a marked bag at a drop off location close to your area or dispose of them appropriately yourself.

Volunteer Sign Up

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