Hedgerow Planting at Glen Urquhart
Jay Baker-French Preparing to Plant ~ L. Stewart
Map of Location
10th Street East and Williams Street
Date and Time
May 18 & 19
9:30am to 12:00pm or 12:30pm to 3:30pm
Glen Urquhart Creek, meeting at 10th Street East and Williams Street
We will be planting a hedgerow in the Glen Urquhart Creek area to support creek health, provide habitat complexity, enhance biodiversity and all the other benefits that come with planting native species. Jay Baker-French will be leading this activity.
If you are going to volunteer, we ask that you dress for the weather, wear sturdy shoes, bring a water bottle and gardening gloves (we will have plenty to borrow if you don’t have any or forget yours!).
Volunteer Sign Up
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