Eelgrass Transplant Tying
Date and Time
June 9 – 1 pm – 4 pm
June 10-14 – 9 am – 12 pm or 1 pm – 4 pm
Pacific Playgrounds parking lot (9082 Clarkson Ave, Black Creek, BC)
Project Watershed is working to restore eelgrass beds around the Oyster River Estuary! Professional divers will bring in locally-harvested donor eelgrass plants, and volunteers are needed to tie the plants onto metal washers so we can transplant the eelgrass to a new home. Project Watershed staff will give a brief tutorial demonstration at the start of each 3-hour shift. Volunteers will have a shade cover to work under, with access to washrooms. This event is low physical exertion, but requires repetitive, precise hand movements. Please note, dates include contingency for bad weather: if all goes well, we expect all work to be done be end of the day June 12. If bad weather postpones our work, we’ll continue on the 13th & 14th.
Volunteer Sign Up
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