Installing Sponsored Salmon on Kus-kus-sum Fence
Sponsored Salmon on the Kus-kus-sum Fence ~ L. Stewart
Map of Location
Meeting Location
Condensory Bridge, Courtenay, BC
Date and Time
Sept 10 – 9:30 -11:30am
Kus-kus-sum Fence on 1901 Comox Road
We are looking for a few handy people to help install salmon signs that have been sponsored on the Kus-kus-sum fence. Prior to installation the wooden salmon will have to be coated with 3 coats of varathane. Some of the salmon may need holes drilled in them so that a wire can be inserted. Once the salmon are coated and drilled, they can be put on the fence with wire.
Volunteers will be given salmon, varathane, paint brushes, reflective vests, wire and wire cutters for this activity. We have about 100 salmon to hang!
Volunteer Sign Up
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