Forage fish sampling is starting back up again in May!
River Never Sleeps Festival Booth Volunteers
Volunteers needed to help staff a booth at the River Never Sleeps Festival in Fanny Bay. This is always a well attended event with many things going on. Last year you could help release juvenile salmon into the Rosewall Creek!
Airpark Planting & Maintenance
Join us for Earthweek at the Courtenay Airpark! We will be planting native plants, maintaining previous plantings and removing invasive species around the Airpark lagoon.
Spring Planting and Weeding at Kus-kus-sum
We will be planting some potted plants and weeding in the upland areas of Kus-kus-sum.
Kus-kus-sum Fieldtrip Volunteers
We are taking a group of grade 7 students to the Kus-kus-sum site to learn about estuary ecology and function and assist with planting and plant maintenance. We are looking for volunteers to help facilitate this event by assisting students in completing different activities including planting, plant maintenance, plant identification, and water testing. Training provided!
Forage Fish Symposium
The forage fish team has been busy planning the Coastal Forage Fish Network Symposium. Hosted on Zoom, this event brings together researchers, experts and community citizen science volunteers to share research highlights from across Vancouver Island and beyond.
Mark Isfeld Ecofair
We are looking for volunteers to help run a booth at Mark Isfeld’s Eco-Fair. At the booth we will have hands on activities, free give aways and infromation – all geared towards students.
Job Opportunity: Bookkeeper (closed)
Please note that this posting is now closed as the position has been filled.
Kus-kus-sum Spixls – Restoration Time-lapse
Luke Phillips from LSP Media has helped us create what he is calling Spixls – crowd sourced time lapse photo documentation of a site.
Seeking Dungeness Crab Monitoring Volunteers
We are recruiting volunteers to help with Hakai Institute’s Larval Dungeness Crab monitoring project.
Eelgrass Expansion in Baynes Sound
This summer, Project Watershed staff and volunteers will be getting their feet wet to increase habitat connectivity in Baynes Sound. As part of our multi-year Aquatic Ecosystems Restoration Fund project, we will be conducting an eelgrass transplant off the coast of Gartley Point near Royston.
Eelgrass Washer Tying 2024
We have a new and unique volunteer opportunity: washer tying for eelgrass restoration! You can participate in this hands-on activity by signing up below and stopping by our office to pick up the necessary supplies between 10am – 3pm Monday – Thursday.