Unpave Paradise
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Wanted: Herring Observations
As you may know, Project Watershed has been researching forage fish and their habitats for many years now. To date our work has focused on beach spawning forage fish, specifically Pacific sand lance and surf smelt.
Restoration and Reconnection
This video was created by Maddison Thomas of the Comox Valley Art Gallery’s Youth Media Project. It gives a glimpse of what Project Watershed is doing locally to combat global issues such as climate change and habitat loss with the hope of encouraging others to get involved for a better future.
Forage Fish Presentation March 17, 2022
Join Project Watershed for a virtual presentation that highlights work on forage fish within intertidal, subtidal, and pelagic waters as well as the contributions of community scientists.
Kus-kus-sum Materials Available for Projects and Developments
We have some materials available from the first phase of the restoration at Kus-kus-sum.