The Streamkeepers Course is a fun and educational 2½ day introduction to stream stewardship. It offers participants an opportunity for hands-on learning and practice of stream stewardship activities such as stream surveying, conducting water quality testing, and stream invertebrate identification. No experience is necessary, just a willingness to get your hands wet! articipants need a reasonable level of fitness (walking on trails and in-creek) for participation. Upon successful completion of training a certificate is awarded to each participant.
The Pacific Streamkeepers Federation, Capilano College and the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans certify our Streamkeepers instructors.
We work with other organisations to offer the course regularly. We will post information on the next upcoming course on this page. To recevie a notification when the next course date is set please email volunteer.projectwatershed at
For more information please check out Pacific Streamkeepers Handbook.
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Streamkeepers Course October 4 – 6, 2024
Project Watershed is hosting a Streamkeepers training course this October for $150.
Streamkeepers Course October 25-27
The Comox Valley Conservation Partnership is hosting the basic beginners Streamkeeper Course from October 25 to 27 with Michele Jones.
Streamkeepers Training Workshop
Project Watershed is hosting a Streamkeepers Training workshop this September for $50.