Working on the unceded territory of the K’ómoks First Nation .

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

The first-ever Comox Valley Conservation Calendar is being published this year by the Comox Valley Conservation Strategy!!
The calendar will be out in a few weeks, and features beautiful photos of local natural areas taken by local photographers. The calendar also gives information about local environmental groups and their activities to protect and restore natural areas and sensitive habitats in the Comox Valley. Funds from this calendar will be used to support the member groups of the CVCS: including the Comox Valley Land TrustTsolumn River Restoration SocietyProject WatershedBrooklyn Creek Watershed SocietyMillard-Piercy Watershed StewardsComox Valley Waterwatch CoalitionMorrison Creek Streamkeepers, Oyster River Watershed Management Committee and more!
The calendar is a fabulous educational tool as well as a fundraiser – it offers pertinent conservation information about wetlands, riparian areas, invasive species and information on the local conservation groups working in the Valley, along with their websites and contact information.
If you know of local stores that would be willing to take and sell the calendars or allow us to set up a table and sell calendars before Christmas time – please let us know!!!!
To order calendars, people can contact either Caila at Project Watershed at 703-2871, or Kerry at the Conservation Strategy at 339-1029.  Pricing is still to be determined but will likely be:

  • $15 for 1
  • $25 for 2
  • $33 for 3
  • $40 for 4

I’ve attached a PDF Poster – please pass it around to everyone to help us publicize – or even print one off and put it up at your workplace or office!!!
Thanks so much!!!
Nature Without Borders
Kerry Dawson
Education and Outreach Coordinator
Comox Valley Conservation Strategy
(250) 339-1029
*** Find CVCS on Facebook, become a fan!!

Calendar Poster from Comox Valley Conservation Strategy