Working on the unceded territory of the K’ómoks First Nation .

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

The Comox Valley Art Gallery is hosting art talks for us to expound on the CV Living City Challenge exhibit. The brown bag topics will now be as follows for May 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th (all Wednesdays at noon):
1.    Introduction to the Living Building Challenge:  Come hear Jay Dahlgren explain the 5Ws of the Living Building Challenge and how it relates to the CV Living City Challenge design competition. Find out how this inspiring program is spreading around the world and how you can become an active participant right here in the Comox Valley.
2.    Density is our Friend:  Join Tom Dishlevoy for a short overview on why our communities desperately need to increase their development densities if we are to achieve any hope of becoming sustainable.  Discover the many connections between development density and almost every other issue pertaining to an urban way of life.  See how the CV Living City Challenge competition increased the density of our communities in various locations, creating vibrant mixed use communities as well as quiet single family neighbourhoods.
3.    Understanding the Land before you Leap Come listen to William Marsh expound on the importance on understanding the land upon which we live.  Learn how the Comox Valley is composed of land that varies dramatically from one location to the next.  Learn how different regions were created over time and as the result of powerful forces in nature.  Most importantly learn that all land is not created equally when it comes to human settlement and find out why our local planners and engineers are getting it really wrong.
4.    Nature in the City:  Join Alison Mewett while she shares her wisdom on the importance of nature as an integral part of human existence.  Hear how the role of nature is an important factor in the Living Building Movement, including natural landscapes, water and biophilia.  See how the CV Living City Challenge team was able to: preserve large areas of natural landscapes around our core settlement areas; take pressure off of our agricultural land making food self sufficiency a strong possibility; and weave green spaces and water features throughout our developed living areas.