Working on the unceded territory of the K’ómoks First Nation .

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

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Coastal habitats are important for many species to their life cycle, therefore habitat connectivity and quality are essential characteristics of any coastal ecosystem. Much of BC’s coastline has experienced major habitat impacts due to human development. These impacts have resulted in fragmentation and significant loss of eelgrass, saltmarsh and kelp habitats upon which salmonids and other key species rely. Marine restoration requires coordination and collaboration to be successful.

In order to begin to address these issues, Project Watershed has contracted Angela Spooner, of Sylvan Island Environmental Consulting, to prepare a report as the initial work on the  Salish Sea North – East Coast Vancouver Island Salmon Highway (Nearshore Habitat) Mapping & Restoration project: 2017-2022. The goal of this five-year project, which has been conditionally approved by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, is to increase habitat connectivity for salmonid species along 120 kilometers of eastern Vancouver Island shoreline, from Oyster River estuary to Annie Creek . One of Angela’s first goals is to identify current and past nearshore habitat distribution and land use practices through literature review and local stakeholder consultation.  Local knowledge is integral to the success of this project. If you are interested in sharing your concerns and knowledge about the Study Area please consider completing the short, six question form below or contacting Angela at 
She is specifically looking for any personal accounts or written reports or assessments to identify present-day and historical uses and distribution changes of saltmarsh, eelgrass and kelp with in the study area. If you feel you have a great amount of information to share, she would be happy to arrange a phone conversation or meet with you in person at your convenience.  If you feel someone else you know, or in your group, also has information to share please do not hesitate to share this query with them.
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