Working on the unceded territory of the K’ómoks First Nation .

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

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Project Watershed is gearing up to make our 3rd payment to Interfor for Kus-kus-sum on December 20th, 2018. Our community fundraising target for this payment is once again $100,000. Towards this we have raised $48,000 and $20,000 has been pledged before the end of the year, meaning we have $32,000 to raise in two and a half months. Overall our initiative has raised $267, 000 of the $500,000 that was set as the community fundraising target.
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[av_progress_bar title=’Next Target: $100,000 by Dec 20th, 2018′ progress=’58’ color=’red’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’43’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
[av_progress_bar title=’Total Community Target: $500,000 by Dec 20th, 2019′ progress=’56’ color=’green’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
[av_progress_bar title=’Grand total: $6,500,000′ progress=’14’ color=’theme-color’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
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“The response from the community has been tremendous” reports Paul Horgen Project Watershed Chair. “What is really great at this stage, is that individuals and groups from our community are starting to take the fundraising on themselves.”

Individuals have had funds donated in lieu of gifts or flowers from weddings, funerals, birthdays, retirements, and other important life events. For these instances, Project Watershed has alternative giving cards available on our website (when you donate in someone else’s name alternative gift cards are used to commemorate the gift). We have also received funds from family estates and foundations such as $50,000 from the Denton Foundation, $25,000 from Bill and Val Heath, $20,000 from Alexandra Calland and $10,000 from the Trevor Ashwell Trust Fund. Project Watershed appreciates all contributions large or small and can offer tax receipts and art as a token of our appreciation. Individuals can contact Project Watershed at or 250-703-2871 for more information or to arrange a donation. DONATE NOW
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Businesses have also gotten behind the project (click here for a complete list of sponsoring businesses). For instance, Mindset Wealth choose Kus-kus-sum as the cause they would support at their client appreciation dinner in September. Over $13,800 was pledged at the event with Rainforest Outdoor Living stepping up with a $2,500 donation and Doctor Nasralla Inc. pledging $5,000. At our Salmon BBQ in early September, Bob Wells of My Tech Guys, which has been donating $5 from every computer sold to the Kus-kus-sum initiative, announced that they raised around $1,000 through this and other fundraising initiatives. The Old House Hotel and Spa, which, along with 30 other local organisations and businesses, supported the Nomadic Tempest event, has committed to donating an additional $12,000 to the project before the end of the year.

“Our forecast for the next payment is optimistic” commented Project Watershed Treasurer Brian Storey “however, we must keep in mind we are not there yet and have an additional $200,000 to raise before the end of 2019.”

Sponsoring businesses receive a sponsorship receipt and public recognition (click for more info).  Please contact to become a business sponsor.
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Left to Right – Robert Mulrooney of Mindset Wealth, Chef Ronald St. Pierre of Locals Restaurant, Russ Wigle of Mindset Wealth, Caila Holbrook of Project Watershed
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The Estuary Angel will be matching funds until the end of this year
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This Estuary Angel match means that every dollar donated is two dollars for the project. Since the project as a whole totals $6.5 million, every dollar donated by community members actually leverages $12 for Kus-kus-sum and our community from other organisations and levels of government. This makes donating or sponsoring Kus-kus-sum a rewarding investment.
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If you are looking for ways to support Kus-kus-sum join our newsletter or check our event page or blog where we post upcoming events and offers designed to support Kus-kus-sum. Our next big event will be the first installment of “A Year in the Estuary” our 2018 Keeping It Living Campaign main event. The event will be held at Rhodos Coffee from October 30th through November. Images of the K’ómoks Estuary taken over the summer/fall by members of the Comox Valley Photographic Society will be on display and for sale with all proceeds going to Kus-kus-sum. More information on this event will be available mid-October.
[av_heading tag=’h3′ padding=’10’ heading=’Imagine Kus-kus-sum’ color=” style=’blockquote modern-quote’ custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”]
Check out our latest Kus-kus-sum Video by Jabin Postal Films
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