Working on the unceded territory of the K’ómoks First Nation .

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

The building at Kus-kus-sum is down!

The condemned office building at Kus-kus-sum, formerly known as Field Sawmill, came down March 23, 2021. Comox Valley Project Watershed Society, with funding from the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program, led the work.

“This moment has been years in the making.” says Dan Bowen, Project Watershed Technical Director. Project Watershed, in partnership with the City of Courtenay and the K’ómoks First Nation, began fundraising for the purchase and restoration of the property in 2017. With assistance from the community, funding organizations and the Province of British Columbia the site was secured at the end of November 2020. 

Dig-Dug Mini Bobcat & Excavating Service, working with B&D Containers Ltd., began the demolition Monday, March 23rd and had the building fully removed by the end of day Tuesday the 24th. During the demolition the site was an active construction zone. Motorists were asked to refrain from pulling over to watch the process, especially on the Kus-kus-sum side of the road.

Removing the building is the precursor to the major demolition work that will occur over the summer to remove the 8.3 acres of concrete that covers the site. Soils and other materials will be transported off the site in preparation for regrading it to natural streamside elevations. Waterways will be created on the site and native vegetation will be planted. “Eventually, we see the site blending into the adjacent natural area, Hollyhock flats.” reports Jennifer Sutherst, Project Watershed Senior Staff Biologist. 

The restoration work will occur over the next two to four years, depending on the availability of funds to support it. To contribute to the restoration or to find out more visit


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