Working on the unceded territory of the K’ómoks First Nation .

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Project Watershed’s Decentralized Shoreline Cleanup

Beaches at Goose Spit by Sarah Bergeron

In lieu of doing a group cleanup, we are asking that people do a cleanup with their bubble at a pre-selected beach as part of a Decentralized Cleanup!

To Participate:

Sign Up

Step One: Enter your name and email address in our Volunteer Form. We will send you an email with all the information you need.

Step Two: Go to the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup website. Type in Courtenay as your location and click Join under one of the Project Watershed (PW) registered Cleanups. You will have to create an account. If you do not want to sign up for a beach through the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup website, you can do it via the email we send you. Please note that only one household/bubble can register for a beach.

Download and Read

We will send you an electronic version of each of these. Please sign the digital version of the waiver prior to preforming the cleanup.  If you cannot print the data card, simply bring a paper to record the types and amounts of garbage found.



Go to the beach you have registered to clean between 9:30 am and 12:30 pm on Saturday, April 24th. Pick up and record garbage. If you find sharps and do not feel comfortable handling them send us an email at with the location and we will organize pick up – if you can send a photo as well that would be helpful.

When you are finished cleaning up the beach please either drop off the garbage bags and sharps containers at Project Watershed’s offices at 2356a Rosewall Crescent or dispose of them appropriately. Please remember to also drop off your data card or email it to us.

Suggested Supplies

  • Garbage Bags
  • Gloves
  • Data Card and pen or pencil (download on this page)
  • Plastic container with lid for sharps (do not handle sharps if you feel uncomfortable doing so)
  • Hat – dress for the weather
  • Comfortable shoes
  • Water bottle
  • Snack
Share and Raise Awareness

Take photos of your good deed and post it to Facebook or Instagram with @cvpws and #PWEarthdayCleanup. It would be great to include a comment on the amount/type of garbage your found or the most interesting. This will help raise awareness about ocean pollution and we will enter your name in a draw for a $20 Peninsula Coop gift card.

Email us if you have any questions or comments

op: Surf smelt, Bottom: Pacific sand lance (used with permission K. Perry)

Top: Surf smelt, Bottom: Pacific sand lance by K. Perry

Clean beaches help forage fish!


Surf smelt egg attached to sand particle by Kurt Perry

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