Working on the unceded territory of the K’ómoks First Nation .

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Project Watershed’s 2021 Online Annual General Meeting

Comox Valley Project Watershed is hosting our 2021 AGM on May 30th at 7pm. It will be entirely online through Zoom. Everyone is invited to join and must pre-register to receive the AGM package which will include the Zoom details.

We have an exciting keynote speaker, Briony Penn, lined up to talk about Indigenous conservation and her book “Stories from the Magic Canoe of Wa’xiad”. Those who attend the meeting will be entered in a draw to win a copy of the book!

The meeting will include a celebration of the success on the Kus-kus-sum project and a look at the next steps for the site. In addition, we will highlight important milestones and activities from our other 2020 – 2021 projects. Business will be kept short and will include a brief report from our Treasurer, Brian Storey, and the election of Board members. We anticipate the meeting finishing up by 8:30pm or before.

AGM Package will include:

  • Zoom details
  • Our Annual General Report
  • Financial statements
  • 2020 AGM Minutes
  • 2021 AGM Agenda


Briony Penn

Briony Penn

Writer, Artist, Educator, Naturalist

Briony Penn uses words, art and humour to connect people to the other voices of the Salish Sea and the natural world.

Please note that if you would like voting rights at our AGM you need to be a current member. Visit our Members page to register as a new member or renew your membership.

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