Public Announcement about Kus-kus-sum
Post Sawmill Aerial of Kus-kus-sum by Rick Ward
Aerial of Sawmill in Production
Artist Rendering of Restoration by Robert Lundquist
This will be the first phase of our three phase restoration plan. We will focus on the removal of hard paving (concrete and asphalt) from the surface of the site. Work will start mid-June and carry through to the end of August. In 2022/2023, the site will undergo major earth works and planting.
This first phase will largely be a construction project, with our contractors, Copcan Civil Ltd., working with excavators and other heavy machinery to remove and crush the concrete. Concrete will be crushed for re-sale and re-use. Steel rebar and wiring from the surface will also be recycled. We are committed to reducing waste and the overall footprint of this restoration project where ever possible. To allow for the removal of hard surfacing, we will have to clear some of the vegetation currently growing on site. Any trees removed will be replaced 10-fold upon restoration. Throughout restoration, there will be noise associated with the work being done. We will adhere to noise reduction bylaws and keep construction noise limited to the hours 8am-5pm.
We welcome and celebrate the interest and excitement of the community. If you are interested in observing the work on site, please watch from the river walkway across the Courtenay River rather than parking adjacent to the site or across the road. We want to keep everyone safe, and traffic flowing along Comox Road and we thank you in advance for your understanding.
For those of you looking to learn more about the restoration that will take place, please join us for our public community forum. It will be hosted virtually via Zoom on June 17th at 6:30pm and everyone is welcome. Our Executive Director, Caitlin Pierzchalski, and Senior Staff Biologist, Jennifer Sutherst, will be walking you through our restoration plans and answering any questions.
Thank you so much for your support and interest in Kus-kus-sum, if you have any questions feel free to contact us at We look forward to seeing you at the community forum!
Restoration Partners & Sponsors
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