Project Watershed’s Guide to Documenting Forage Fish Habitat
- Backshore and Landmark
- Right shore
- Foreshore (looking out at the ocean)
- Left shore
- Sediments (use sediment card against the sand)
- 4L container with label and an object for scale
We have also adopted the following naming conventions for these photos.
Site photo labeling scheme: Site-Station_sample_aspect_Date(YYYYMMDD)
Example: FJP-1_1_Foreshore_20210809 – This translates as the forshore of Frank James Park, station 1, sample 1 on August 9th, 2021.
Egg photo labeling scheme: DATE of detection (YYYYMMDD)_Site-Station_Sample_Species_Alphanumeric number (for if there are multiple photos for the same date (e.g., A1, A2)
Example: 20201130_KB-1_1_PSL_A3 – This translates as the 3rd photo of eggs found at Kye Bay, station 1, sample 1 of Pacific sand lance, taken on November 30, 2020.
This method aids Project Watershed in filing photos and analyzing them for changes due to seasonality, weather events and time. We kindly ask groups to submit photos and datasheets immediately after each sampling event.
We have included an example of a set of labeled photos on this page for your reference. All photos have been taken by our Forage Fish Research Assistant, Virginia East.
Photo Documentation of Frank James Park Beach
Photo Documentation of Eggs
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