Working on the unceded territory of the K’ómoks First Nation .

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Kus-kus-sum Materials Available for Projects and Developments

Crushed concrete at Kus-kus-sum ~ Caila Holbrook

 Red Fire Hydrant $200 OBO ~ Caila Holbrook

6 inch PVC pipe $2/ft ~ Caila Holbrook

We have some materials available from the first phase of the restoration at Kus-kus-sum. The final subsurface concrete has now been removed, processed into 3-inch minus crush, graded and certified by Lewkowich Engineering. It is leaving by the truck load this week. We still have  about 150 loads of asphalt available to anyone who needs it. In addition to this, we have a fire hydrant and approximately 150 feet of heavy duty 6-inch blue PVC pipe available. We are asking for a donation of $200 for the hydrant or best alternative offer. The PVC we are letting go of for $2 per foot. It is in long pieces of various sizes and will need to be cut up on site and then removed.

Our philosophy since the beginning of this project has been to re-use and recycle as much of the material as possible. We are hoping to support projects and developments locally, and increase the financial viability of the project. We would be happy to part with as much crush as you can make use of, with a minimum expected order of 20 truckloads. Project Watershed will be covering the loading of trucks, flagging needs, and site supervision, with the expectation that trucking will be covered by individual buyers. Cost recovery for Project Watershed’s handling costs is important so we’ll be asking for a minimum suggested donation of $75.00 per load for trucks and $100 per load for truck and pup. We are not expecting funds in exchange for the asphalt, however, any donation will be appreciated.

Order Materials

If you would like to make an inquiry regarding receiving any of the aforementioned items, please reach out to to indicate what you’re interested in and when you would be looking to pick it up.

The Kus-kus-sum site is an active work zone. Please DO NOT enter the site without personal safety equipment (hard hat, steel toed boots and safety vest) and specific permission from Project Watershed staff to do so.

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