Project Watershed’s 30th Anniversary Celebration
1 pm – 4pm
Saturday, May 27
K’ómoks First Nation Hall
Join us for our 30th Anniversary event, “Celebrating Stewardship” taking place on May 27th at the K’ómoks Band Hall. We will be celebrating our stewardship work over the past 30 years as well as ancient stewardship of this land by first peoples. This open house type event will run from 1-4 pm, giving attendees an afternoon filled with education and entertainment.
This is a family friendly event that is open to the public. Admission is by donation and all donations receive a door prize ticket. There will be a variety of interactive displays and games including:
- Forage Fish Egg Hunt (Vortexting)
- Ancient Fish Traps and Shellfish Middens
- Streamside Habitat Journey
- Ocean Plinko
- Fishing for Knowledge
We are also excited to offer a variety of locally made snacks and beverages, including bannock and jam and local music from the Watershed Band. There will be door prizes and give aways. Be sure to come out and be a part of this milestone celebration.
Thank you for supporting Project Watershed, and we hope to see you soon!
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