Restoration work in Mallard Creek will continue this year, including invasive removal, restoring connectivity, and trial planting of a new riparian species. Volunteer events starting in September 2024.
Mallard Creek Restoration Update
Mallard is a local creek that flows into the Dyke Slough on the north side of the K’ómoks Estuary and supports coho salmon and cutthroat trout. It has been severely impacted by agricultural practices and upstream urban development.
Gaining Ground from Reed Canary Grass along Mallard Creek
On October 23 and 24th, 2020, volunteers helped reclaim 150 meters of streamside along Mallard Creek.
Mallard Creek SHIM Reports and Maps
These reports and maps were generated using the SHIM Methodology.
Mallard Creek Reed Canary Grass Removal Project
Reed Canary Grass (RCG) is a perennial cool season grass that can grow up to 2 meters tall and expands by creeping rhizomes, vegetative fragments and seeds. It out-competes other native vegetation due to its effective dispersal mechanisms and ability to shade out slower growing native species. In areas where it has been introduced it will quickly dominate from 50-100% of the site.
Update on Mallard and Glen Urquhart Stream Surveys
Update on Mallard and Glen Urquhart Stream SurveysGlen Urquhart and Mallard Creeks both flow into Dyke Slough on the north side of the K'ómoks Estuary. The Dyke Slough in turn drains into Hollyhock Flats one of the most productive natural habitats left in the K'omoks...