Working on the unceded territory of the K’ómoks First Nation .

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.


Unpave Paradise

Latest News

A Day in the Life of Newton

Hello, I am Newton, and I am the Project Watershed mascot, I am a rough-skinned newt and not a dinosaur! Recently, I have been visiting schools, volunteer events, and historical projects as part of Project Watershed’s 30th Anniversary celebrations.

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

The Spectral and Remote Sensing Laboratory in the Department of Geography at the University of Victoria and Comox Valley Project Watershed Society in Courtney is seeking one highly motivated, full-time Postdoctoral Research fellow (PDF) to conduct applied research in pelagic modeling of forage fish species within the Salish Sea.

Fall Shoreline Cleanup

Beach cleanup time! We are looking for people to choose a beach area from the map and pick up any garbage they find there. We will do this as a decentralized cleanup, meaning that you and your group will pick a 1.5 to 2 km section of shoreline or riverway over which to hunt for garbage and other groups will pick other sections.