Unpave Paradise
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Mark Isfeld Ecofair
We are looking for volunteers to help run a booth at Mark Isfeld’s Eco-Fair. At the booth we will have hands on activities, free give aways and infromation – all geared towards students.
Planting at Glen Urquhart
Come out and help install live willow stakes and plant potted plants in the riparian areas of Glen Urquhart Creek – October 19 to 22, 2022.
Project Watershed has Openings for New Board Members
Project Watershed is looking for folks who have a passion for our local environment, particularly the Comox estuary and nearshore...
Pacific Sand Lance Habitat Suitability Model in the Canadian Salish Sea
Habitat suitability models, or HSMs, provide us with heat maps that predict where suitable Pacific sand lance habitat is most likely to be.