Working on the unceded territory of the K’ómoks First Nation .

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Technician Report – Tuesday, October 5th

Sedge Fencing ~ Jamie Lund

Happy Technician Tuesday! In June, our technician team planted a large number of Lyngbye's Sedge and some Tufted Hair Grass to restore areas of Hollyhock Flats.

Lyngbye’s Sedge (Carex lyngbyei) was planted in the Dyke Slough near the culvert that runs under Comox Road. This area had experienced much erosion over the years and was built up by Project Watershed in the Spring of 2021 to enhance fish habitat.

The technician team had to work with the tides as they could only access the mudflat at low tide. First, fencing was installed to protect the area from geese, who are suspected to be overgrazing at the site. Bins of new sedge plants were brought in and planted in rows. This was done to better observe the number of plants and any mortalities that could occur in the future. The plants will eventually grow in and create a sedge mat. This sedge mat is a very important habitat component as it provides refuge, rearing habitat and foraging opportunities for juvenile salmon and other marine species.

When the tide shifted, work moved to the slope adjacent to the estuary. Reed canary grass was pulled from the site. Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea) is an invasive species that crowds and shades out new plantings. After removing the Reed canary grass the technicians planted the area with Tufted Hair Grass (Deschampsia cespitosa), a native species which will help stabilize the bank and reduce erosion.

With the help of the Healthy Watersheds Initiative funding Project Watershed has hired environmental technicians to assist with our projects over the summer and early fall. The Healthy Watersheds Initiative is delivered by the Real Estate Foundation of BC and Watersheds BC, with financial support from the Province of British Columbia as part of its $10-billion COVID-19 response. Jamie Lund, one of these technicians, will be posting a brief report every Tuesday to update the Project Watershed community on what they have been up to.  

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