Working on the unceded territory of the K’ómoks First Nation .

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

The K’ómoks Estuary- A cultural & archaeological treasure

The K’ómoks Estuary- A cultural & archaeological treasure

This video was produced and prepared through the Comox Valley National Historic Site Committee, as a descriptive information piece to go along with the submission to the National Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada to respect, honor and give Historic Site recognition to the Ancient Wood Stake Fish Trap System studied by Community Archaeologist Nancy Greene and Geologist David McGee in the K’ómoks Estuary.

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Puntledge Hatchery Open House

The staff of Puntledge River Hatchery Invite you to:   Interact with Hatchery staff as well as local volunteer Community Groups hosting displays at the facility. This family event provides opportunity to view hatchery activities as well as painting fish...

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A Plan for Improved Habitat at the Airpark Lagoon

A Plan for Improved Habitat at the Airpark Lagoon

Following the Restoration and Prioritization study that occurred in 2010 Project Watershed has been investigating the possibility of doing some restoration work at the Air Park Lagoon, one of the sites identified as a high priority from that study.

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Shoreline Cleanup a Success

Another successful shoreline cleanup of Simms Park and its waterways was organized by Project Watershed and took place September 29th on BC Rivers Day. An intrepid crew of 11 braved the weather and collected 22 kilograms of garbage and one bag of recyclables as part...

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Estuary Dinner Launches Elevate the Arts

Project Watershed is presenting "Dine Under the Sea" to raise funds and awareness about the K'omoks Estuary Tuesday 6-9pm at Zocalo Cafe. Showcasing Art, Music and Food this dinner will also launch the week of events associated with Elevate the Arts. A unique seafood...

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Birding for All Ages

As part of the Keeping It Living Campaign Project Watershed held a bird walk Saturday the 4th of May. The walk was led by Art Martell, a well-known birder in the Comox Valley. He took the group to a hidden estuary habitat teaming with birdlife right in the middle of...

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