We are running the Sponsor a Salmon Fundraiser again this year to fill up the Kus-kus-sum fence and raise funds to complete the restoration.
Celebrating Volunteers
Spring has been a very busy season; Project Watershed is excited to showcase all the events we orgainsed and participated in! Sixty-six amazing volunteers came out to lend a hand. Thank you to everyone for your time and energy, we could not have done so much without you!
Getting Warmer: Globally 2015 Exceeds All Other Years
by Paul Horgen - Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto, Board Chair Project Watershed Quoting the great New York Yankee hall of fame catcher Yogi Berra, “Its deja vu all over again." In an announcement released on Wednesday, January 20th, Both NASA and NOAA...
Project Watershed 2014 Volunteer Appreciation event
On 12/12/2014 Project Watershed invited their regular volunteers, and some other friends, to an appreciation event at the Comox Valley Community Justice Centre in downtown Courtenay. With more than 50 attendees, including some of the local city council members who...
Courtenay Council Candidates Consider Field Sawmill Site
With an election coming in a few days, all of the candidates running in Courtenay are firming up their platforms. One of the important issues facing our beautiful community and is on the minds of not only citizens of Courtenay, but all of us who have chosen the Comox...
Restoring Tidal Marshes in Royston
A tidal marsh is a type of marsh that is found along the shoreline of coasts and estuaries of which the flooding characteristics are determined by the tidal movement of the adjacent estuary. The vegetation on the shore is called a salt marsh and it is a complex of...
Project Watershed Plants Eelgrass near Port Augusta Park in Comox
[av_heading heading='Project Watershed, as part of their Blue Carbon efforts and habitat restoration activities, collected 2500 donor eelgrass shoots and then transplanted them into an area devoid of eelgrass off Port Augusta Park in the Town of Comox. These...
Project watershed's Pacific Institute for Climate Studies Internship Report
[av_testimonials style='grid' columns='1'] [av_testimonial_single src='4286' attachment='' name='Russell Prentice' subtitle='Project Watershed Pacific Institute for Climate Studies Intern' link='http://' linktext=''] I have had a busy and exciting first month with...
Blue Carbon Pilot Project in Comox Valley Getting Attention
By Mandy Larade - Comox Valley Record; posted Apr 9, 2014 at 4:00 PM A letter of federal recognition was given to the Comox Valley Project Watershed Society on the Blue Carbon Pilot Project from federal Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq. "Your organization's...
See who is Keeping It Living at the Swan Festival
Every year Project Watershed bestows an array of Keeping It Living Awards to a deserving group and chosen artists. These awards are part of a campaign created to promote community knowledge of and pride in the K’omoks Estuary. One such award is the Keeping It Living...
Keeping It Living Art Cards Now Available
Project Watershed has created a set of specialty Keeping It Living Art Cards just in time for the winter season. Now you can share the beauty inspired by the K’omoks Estuary with others.
Reclaiming Field Sawmill
Project Watershed and the Estuary Working Group have been developing restoration possibilities for the Field Sawmill site since 2009. “It is our belief that this property has the potential to become a highlight of a restored K'ómoks Estuary, itself a signature feature...