Elder College
Project Watershed often offers a course on Watersheds and Estuaries through Elder College. We will post a notice of upcoming courses here.
Technician Report – Tuesday, Sept 14
In July, our technician team ventured into Hollyhock Flats to conduct a plant survey. The goal was to understand the current plant community structures throughout the saltmarsh. This data can be used for restoration efforts at Kus-kus-sum. We also learned about invasive plant presence and range within Hollyhock for future removal efforts.
Salt Marsh Restoration in the K’ómoks Estuary at Dyke Slough
This restoration built up a new marsh platform to replace lost, historic tidal marsh. The newly build platform is then planted, all to help support wildlife and coastal resiliency in our thriving estuary.
Coastline Restoration in Fanny Bay
On June 17-19, 2020 Project Watershed organized a planting session to restore the vulnerable coastline in the Fanny Bay area. During the three days, our staff and 19 volunteers helped plant almost 2500 individual plants, comprised of Salicornia, Distichilis and dune grass species. This planting compliments another coastal restoration project where the shoreline was revegetated to protect the area from erosion.