By Scott Stanfield - Comox Valley Record Published: November 03, 2011 6:00 PM In an effort to encourage voters to think about environmental issues before the Nov. 19 municipal elections, the Comox Valley Conservation Strategy Community Partnership has distributed an...
Celebrating Rivers Day at Puntledge Hatchery
By Ralph Shaw - Comox Valley Record Published: October 27, 2011 3:00 PM Updated: October 27, 2011 3:58 PM shaw.jpg VIEWING THE FISH at the Puntledge Hatchery is a majestic experience. PHOTO BY RALPH SHAW Celebrating Rivers Day at the Puntledge Hatchery, which is...
Blue Carbon Pilot Project
Excerpt from 'Ferry Man visits Comox Valley Regional District members in person' article by Scott Stanfield - Comox Valley Record Published: October 20, 2011 6:00 PM A Blue Carbon Pilot Project would remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, decrease fossil fuel...
Courtenay River Estuary could hold 'blue key' to lock in carbon dioxide
BY PHILIP ROUND, COMOX VALLEY ECHO OCTOBER 21, 2011 The Courtenay River Estuary could hold a blue key that locks in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, Comox Valley Regional District directors heard on Tuesday. Paul Horgen, chair of Project Watershed, said local...
Comox Valley Project Watershed Society KEEPING IT LIVING AWARD
Comox Valley Project Watershed Society has chosen the City of Courtenay to receive its Courtenay River Estuary-Keeping it Living Award. It will be presented at Courtenay City Council’s regular meeting on November 7th.
Puntledge Hatchery Open House
Volunteers clean shoreline
The rain pouring down on the morning of Sept. 25 didn’t discourage 37 intrepid volunteers of all ages from Project Watershed, the Comox Valley Naturalists and Comox Valley Kayaks. Despite the deluge, they combed six kilometres of shoreline in Lewis and Simms parks,...
Come Celebrate our Garry Oaks This Friday, October 14
Huge Fall Bouquet to Rivers Day Volunteers
Comox Valley Echo September 30, 2011 A HUGE FALL BOUQUET for the 35 volunteers who dressed for the downpour and gathered debris from the estuary shore line on Rivers Day, Sunday morning. Project Watershed and the CV Naturalists organized teams in Beach Ave, Simms Park...
2012 Conservation Calendar Now Available!
Cleanup crews find interesting articles
Lise Broadley, Comox Valley Echo Published: Tuesday, October 04, 2011 Volunteers picking up trash for the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup found a number of unusual items in Courtenay and Comox last week. From shopping carts to shotgun shells, volunteers were amazed...
Community way businesses by category
Over the past two years Project Watershed has been donated over $16,000 community way dollars from the businesses listed here. We are thankful to those business for supporting our cause and helping to restore and protect the unique and diverse habitats of the Comox...