Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Working with the K’ómoks Nation towards Q’waq’wala7owkw on their unceded territory.

Volunteer Symposium

Volunteer Symposium

Calling all volunteers and potential volunteers! We are holding a symposium for you to learn about Project Watershed and our volunteer activities. There will be snacks, drinks, giveaways and hands on fun.

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Seedy Saturday Booth

Seedy Saturday Booth

Project Watershed would like to participate in this year’s Seedy Saturday event. We will need two sets of two volunteers who will each manage our booth for a three-hour shift. We will be spreading information, selling our fundraising items, and encouraging people to become volunteers/members/donors.

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Hedgerow Planting

Hedgerow Planting

Join Jay Baker French for some planting and mulching of native species to create a new hedgerow at Comox Bay Farm, in partnership with Lentelus Farms and Ducks Unlimited Canada. There will also be some invasive species removal.

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Seal Monitoring

Seal Monitoring

Join Jay and Virginia from Project watershed for our first Kus-kus-sum citizen science monitoring project with Seal or Pinniped monitoring at various locations from Condensory Road Bridge toward Kus-kus-sum along the Courtenay River Estuary.

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