In the fall our restoration team surveyed the three eelgrass beds which were planted with the help of our volunteers back in June. The beds are looking healthy!
Gartley Beach Green Shores for Homes Project
Project Watershed is teaming up with the CVRD and the Stewardship Centre for BC to do some shoreline restoration at Gartley Beach in Royston.
Gartley Point Eelgrass Tying
Volunteers are needed to help prepare eelgrass shoots for transplant during our upcoming eelgrass restoration work at Gartley Point!
June Eelgrass Restoration Completed
Between June 2 and 11, six dedicated staff members, approximately 23 volunteers and the UB Diving crew worked together to accomplish the impressive task of transplanting 6,000 stems of eelgrass!
Carbon Stocks, Sources, and Accumulation Rates in Eelgrass Meadows
Understanding carbon dioxide (CO2) sources and sinks is crucial for combating climate change. Vegetated ecosystems, including coastal habitats like mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrass meadows, play a significant role in capturing and storing carbon, known as “blue carbon.”
Glen Urquhart Creek Restoration Update
Glen Urquhart Creek flows into Dyke Slough on the north side of the K’ómoks Estuary. It supports salmonids at present, but available spawning and rearing habitat are very limited because it has been severely impacted by agricultural practices and upstream urban development.
Technician Report – Tuesday, October 12th
Happy Technician Tuesday! While working around Glen Urquhart stream, our Technician team has experienced numerous encounters with fauna using the site. The presence of wildlife at Glen Urquhart further justifies the need to preserve and restore the area.
Technician Report – Tuesday, October 5th
Happy Technician Tuesday! In June, our technician team planted a large number of Lyngbye’s Sedge and some Tufted Hair Grass to restore areas of Hollyhock Flats.
Technician Report – Tuesday, September 28th
Happy Technician Tuesday! Earlier this year, our technician team surveyed Glen Urquhart stream to assess its profile for future stream restoration projects. While Glen Urquhart has been highly modified and impacted, salmon and other fish species do utilize it. Improved habitat in this area will directly benefit those species.
Technician Report – Tuesday, Sept 14
In July, our technician team ventured into Hollyhock Flats to conduct a plant survey. The goal was to understand the current plant community structures throughout the saltmarsh. This data can be used for restoration efforts at Kus-kus-sum. We also learned about invasive plant presence and range within Hollyhock for future removal efforts.
Technician Report – Tuesday, Sept 7th
Welcome to our first Technician Tuesday!
Salt Marsh Restoration in the K’ómoks Estuary at Dyke Slough
This restoration built up a new marsh platform to replace lost, historic tidal marsh. The newly build platform is then planted, all to help support wildlife and coastal resiliency in our thriving estuary.