On June 17-19, 2020 Project Watershed organized a planting session to restore the vulnerable coastline in the Fanny Bay area. During the three days, our staff and 19 volunteers helped plant almost 2500 individual plants, comprised of Salicornia, Distichilis and dune grass species. This planting compliments another coastal restoration project where the shoreline was revegetated to protect the area from erosion.
Salish Sea Kelp Restoration Enhancing Habitat Connectivity
A kelp forest is a type of nearshore aquatic habitat, found along rocky coasts with wave action or strong currents in depths of 4 to 20 meters.
Project Watershed Continues Restoration Work Along Mallard Creek
Back in February, Project Watershed and volunteers from Aecon Water Infrastructure Inc. planted over 100 native species along a section of Mallard Creek.
Citizen-Science Saltmarsh and Eelgrass Monitoring Program
The monitoring program provides volunteers and community groups with all the information, materials and support necessary to help us monitor our restoration projects.
Creating Habitat Connectivity
Comox Valley Project Watershed is focusing on the restoration of three marine habitats – kelp, eelgrass and saltmarsh – to facilitate connectivity between the subtidal, intertidal and foreshore zones in the estuary.
Restoring Kelp Forest Habitat
Comox Valley Project Watershed Society is working with partners to restore kelp forests using two methods: planting seeded kelp lines and reducing grazing pressure by sea urchins.
Kelp Forests
A kelp forest is a type of nearshore vegetative habitat, found along rocky coasts with wave action or strong currents in depths of 4 to 20 metres.
Project Watershed Plants Eelgrass off of Miracle Beach Park
If you were down at Miracle Beach Park on the weekend of June 22nd you might have noticed a dive boat and divers working just off shore. The divers were working on transplanting subtidal eelgrass in barren areas off of the park. The project is part of a larger...
Project Watershed’s Coastal Restoration Plan Now Available!
The plan identifies 70 potential nearshore habitat restoration projects along the east coast of Vancouver Island (between the Oyster River and Annie Creek near Qualicum Bay). Projects were identified by examining changes in the distribution of eelgrass, salt marsh and kelp habitat using historic and current aerial images and coupling this information with an extensive shore-zone assessment and literature review. The plan will guide future nearshore habitat restoration projects undertaken by Project Watershed and our partnering organizations.
Coastal Restoration Fund Update
After many long hours researching, mapping and writing Project Watershed's Coastal Restoration Team has produced the first draft of the Salish Sea North East Vancouver Island Salmon Highway (Nearshore Habitat) Coastal Restoration Plan. This foundational document will...
Kelp Restoration at Maude Reef
Here is a video of some of the kelp restoration work Project Watershed has been doing with Hornby Island Diving around Maude Reef off Hornby Island in British Columbia. You can see the lines we have seeded and how we have been excluding sea urchins to give the kelp a...